How to produce X-rays: DY802 tubes
Subsection DY802
This part focuses on rectifier tubes (e.g. DY802), which I tried first. Rectifier tubes are cheap and relatively easily available, but have disadvantages: They are not designed for high power dissipation, and most don't take very high voltages. Rectifier tubes are operated in cold cathode mode with fixed operating voltage.
The setup I used:
The above picture shows the general setup I normally use. From left to right:
8kVss transfomrmer,
9-stage cascade, big metal ball
on isolating
pillar to prevent spraying. Then, from background to foreground, the
tube together with a 500MOhm resistor (both in the white pipe). Not
shown (or not visible) here are the instruments to measure current (a
must) and voltage across the tube.
And these are the tubes I use. The upper one (type DY802) is much more
effective and mostly used. See also the diagram of the DY802 type.
More details and explanations:
As already mentioned in the introductory
part, the filament is not heated for our purposes (actually, in my
first tube, I blew it up in an earlier experiment :-). The tube
is operated in a mode that's called "cold cathode discharge", and
which is normally unwanted, as the tube loses part of its rectifying
characteristic then. The onset voltage of this cold cathode discharge
is much higher (40kV) when the cap is negative (i.e. reverse polarity, as
it's normally positive) than when the filament is negative. To make
the tube work reliably, the following
points habe to be considered:
- An obvious problem arises from the fact that the tube was not made
for 40kV. I had arc-over at 30kV. This doesn't at once damage the tube,
but it lowers the voltage :-) I soldered longer wire on both the cathode
and the anode and glued PVC tubes to both ends of the tube. Pour a lot
of epoxy glue into the PVC tubes, this also reduces mechanical stress on
the tube contacts (long stiff copper wire = long lever).
- I found
that from a certain onset voltage onwards, current increases
very rapidly with the voltage, and is only eventually limited by your source.
Have a look at the so-called characteristic of the tube. It resembles that
of a Zener-Diode very much. Once the onset voltage has been reached,
it remains nearly constant over a wide range of current. This means
that you won't get much further than this onset voltage, even at
considerably high current. The tube has a more or less fixed operation
- This implies a problem: just as a Zener diode, the tube can not
be operated stable on a constant voltage source. It has to be driven
with a constant current source, or over a big resistor from a usual
voltage source. The voltage of this source and the resistance then
determine the current, as the voltage drop over the tube remains
constant. Example: My tube has an onset voltage of 48kV. I operate it
over a 500MOhm resistor from a 75kV source. This results in
(75kV-48kV)/500KOhm = 54uA. As this is a bit too high, I usually add
another 200MOhm, resulting in 39uA.
- Also, the tube won't handle arbitrary power. Some watts are
enough. More will heat up the tube considerably and eventually destroy
it. E.g. I overheated my first tube with the result that the remains
of the filament bent and made an internal short. From my experience, 40uA at 50kV (=2 watts) is just enough!
Technical details: 1st update 10 March 1998
To operate the tube safely, it has to be shielded, or you have to go
away quite a bit. The measurement with a
commercial dosemeter showed, that a safe distance in the legal sense
would be 3m or more!
For an effective shield, use lead 1mm thick
(as used by roofers). This is enough to reduce the radiation below
normal background. Of course, you've got to leave a hole to let some
radiation through :-) Just don't forget that
- a hole of 6mm
diameter a few mm above the surface of the tube leaves radiation into
a cone of 30 degrees opening angle - broad enough to accidently hit
- there is also radiation coming out along or near the axis of the tube. A simple cylinder will let this through!
The following two pictures show the shields I made (lovely sunset
light on the left one :-).
The three cylinders leave a gap to let air circulate (and cool the
tube), but due to the slightly conical form prevent radiation coming
out through this gap. The radiation coming exactly along the axis is
absorbed by the wax-filled PVC-tubes. The narrow pipe is used to make a
really narrow beam.
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